Rank list for temporary appointment of Assistant Geologist
Rank list for temporary appointment of Assistant Geologist
Rank list for temporary appointment of Assistant Geologist
Quotation for the Purchase of 70 numbers of cloth bags (Last date: 23.07.2024)
Expression of Interest for revamping the KOMPAS
Printing works of 500 copies of Handbook
Sealed and Competitive quotations are invited for the purchase of Hot plate for use in the Chemical Laboratary
Quotation (No. 1469/2023/T2 dated 27.02.2024) – Fischer Burner – reg
Quotation (No. 1469/2023/T2 dated 19.02.2024)
Order No. 10/2024/ID dtd 06.02.2024
Quotation (No. 1469/2023/T2 dated 06.02.2024)